Blister packaging are an affordable and convenient solution for merchandising lightweight consumer products at retail.
Blister packaging are easy to engineer and manufacture, usually requiring less complex tooling than clamshells; blisters are affordable, requiring minimal material due to their simplistic design and efficient layout; and, blisters are easy to load and seal to paper graphics card via heat or cohesive sealing technologies.
Blister packaging Features:
– Blister Die-Cut Registration: All blisters are die-cut maintaining the industry’s tightest die-cut tolerances; this ensures problem free blister packaging that may be used on any and all heat-seal equipment available.
– Plastic Blister Denestability/Feedability: Blister packaging are designed and manufactured meeting all the requirements of draft angles, cavity repeatability, and material de-nest ability for problem free running on any auto-fed blister sealing machinery.
– Blister Stress: Residual stress in a formed part is the direct result of incorrect forming techniques. There is a direct correlation between levels of stress, and levels of seal ability in plastic blisters. Blister packaging are continuously checked in-line for any stress issues, to ensure problem free sealing no matter what type of blister card coating or sealing equipment used.